Earn Your CEUs with BehaviorLive

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Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are a cornerstone of professional development in various fields, including ABA therapy. For Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) and Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts (BCaBAs), CEUs are not just a requirement but a pathway to growth, expertise, and community contribution. This is where BehaviorLive steps in as a key resource, offering a state-of-the-art platform to author, share, and engage with CEU content. Let’s delve into why BehaviorLive is the preferred choice for ABA professionals.

About BehaviorLive

BehaviorLive specializes in live streaming CEU events, offering on-demand CEU courses, planning and executing hybrid conferences, and providing a platform and support for Behavior Analysts to author CEU content and earn passive income. The platform not only hosts a variety of content but also keeps users informed about upcoming and relevant CEUs, ensuring that they never miss out on valuable learning opportunities.

Content Types

With on-demand content, live-streamed events, and hybrid conferences, BehaviorLive ensures that users have access to flexible learning opportunities.

On-demand Content

On-demand content offers the flexibility to learn at your own pace and access materials from anywhere. It supports a personalized learning experience and the option to revisit material, ensuring pressure-free education.

Live Streamed Events

Live streaming offers real-time interaction and immediate feedback, allowing participants to engage directly with instructors and peers, enhancing the learning experience.

Hybrid Conferences

Hybrid conferences combine the best of both worlds, providing the flexibility of virtual attendance along with the networking and immersive benefits of in-person events, catering to diverse preferences and learning styles.

Content Categories

BehaviorLive caters to a wide array of interests and educational needs by offering content across five critical categories:

  • Child Safety
  • Diversity
  • Ethics
  • Skills
  • Social Justice

Key Takeaways

BehaviorLive is an essential resource for BCBAs and BCaBAs focused on professional development and contributing to the ABA community. The platform provides diverse CEU content, flexible learning options, and the chance to create content, helping behavior analysts enhance their skills and impact in the field. Check out BehaviorLive to advance your career and knowledge.

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